Metal Spinning, Deep Drawing and Metallization2024-07-08T11:27:01+02:00

Metal Spinning and Repulsed Leaders

More than 35 years of experience working in all sectors of notching metal and repulsed for major firms internationally, TEI NOGAL has become Metal Spinning leader in Spain.

  • Quality – All our work meets the strictest quality control and environmental management.

  • Commitment – Each work we do we do it the only way we know, with the maximum guarantee, efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Personal attention – Our professionals will advise you at all times to help you make the best decisions.

TEI NOGAL has more than 2.500 m2, and it is considered one of the most important companies in Europe repulsed.

More About Us
Repulsados y entallado metálico, metal spinning, repousagge

Metal Spinning

The best techniques and machinery for the metal notching and bevelled.


Deep Drawing

We get accuracy and symmetry unmatched.



Completely homogeneous and flawless pieces.


Machining Process

Any way to get a perfect finish.

Discover Our

We have the best prepared machinery for short and long series, from prototype to thousands of pieces.


Our Work

A sample of the work done by our team of professionals.

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Last News

We tell you the latest news and developments TEI NOGAL and everything related to the world of notching metal and repulsed.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG6uLwKUiB8 Discover the spacious facilities where daily Teinogal do our work and repulsed notching metal, our art machinery and our work through this video that we created for you.

ISO renew 9001 and 14001

One more year, we have once again obtained the ISO 9001 quality certificate and the ISO 14001 environmental certificate, thus recognizing the effort that all TeiNogal employees make to offer an excellent service. This has [...]

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